Homebrew: Search, install all matches, in one-liner


brew install $( brew search my-search-term | grep my-filter-term | tr '\n' ' ' )


brew search x | grep y > install_list.txt
brew install $( < install_list.txt )


brpro ➜  ~ brew search x
==> Searching local taps...
x ✔                                     xy                                xeme
==> Searching taps on GitHub...
caskroom/something/xylophone            caskroom/somethingelse/xanthous
brpro ➜  ~ brew install xeme

Alternative (using awk):

brew search x | awk '/inclusion string/ && !/exclusion string/' | tr '\n' ' ' )

Yesterday I wanted to install all the Nerd Fonts not currently on my machine in one go.

brew cask search fonts will give multiple rows in results – similar to the default output from ls :

brpro ➜  ~ brew cask search font
==> Partial Matches
birdfont                                      font-hack-nerd-font                           font-noto-sans-thaana
dfontsplitter                                 font-hack-nerd-font-mono                      font-noto-sans-thai
font-3270                                     font-halant                                   font-noto-sans-tibetan
font-3270-nerd-font ✔                         font-hammersmith-one                          font-noto-sans-tifinagh
font-3270-nerd-font-mono ✔                    font-han-nom-a                                font-noto-sans-ugaritic
font-abeezee                                  font-hanalei                                  font-noto-sans-vai

Piping the output to grep -i nerd gives a single line-separated list of only the taps we want.

brpro ➜  ~ brew cask search font | grep -i nerd

We can use tr to convert this output to a whitespace-separated single line:

brpro ➜  ~ brew cask search font | grep nerd | tr '\n' ' '
font-3270-nerd-font font-3270-nerd-font-mono font-anonymouspro-nerd-font font-anonymouspro-nerd-font-mono font-arimo-nerd-font font-arimo-nerd-font-mono font-aurulentsansmono-nerd-font font-aurulentsansmono-nerd-font-mono font-bitstreamverasansmono-nerd-font (...)

Now we just need to pass the result to brew install:

brew install $( brew cask search font | grep nerd | tr '\n' ' ' )

Pipes! Composition! Joy!

La voie Unix!

Postscript – Negative (exclusion) filtering:

(some command) | grep 'include string' | grep -v 'exclude string'
(some command) | awk '/include string/ && !/exclude string/'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""